recently, one of my friends showed me a wikipedia article on something called "Long-time nuclear waste warning messages". the basic concept is that because radioactive waste is dangerous and will be for many thousands of years, we need a way to warn future generations of humans about this. the problem of making these messages is that we cannot predict how language will evolve for such a large amount of time, and therefore we need to figure out some way to describe that these areas are dangerous without using current language. there are many interesting ideas for this on the article, however near the bottom there's a section called "Cultural memory" which has some even more interesting concepts. one of my favorites is the song "Don't Change Color, Kitty" (which is explained in the article if you want to learn more). the one that piqued my interest though, was the idea of preserving the knowledge of locations of dangerous radioactive waste sites through the creation of a sort of atomic religion, where through myths and tradition this knowledge is preserved. however, one thought quickly came into mind: "what if this has been done before?" what if preexisting world religions were created so to protect us from something that we have since forgotten about? i mean, i guess with the nature of the idea it's entirely possible, however along with that comes the fact that it'd be really hard to prove or disprove. it's honestly just really a sort of conspiracy theory. i don't really have much more to say about this subject, at least for now, and i'm honestly a bit unsure if this is even the right place to post it. after all, it's not really much of a mystery, just sort of a theory. i guess i just found it interesting lol